kinda random. sounds like a bunch of golf balls dropping at the same time.
kinda random. sounds like a bunch of golf balls dropping at the same time.
berate im not a pro you was rushed could do ten times better if i take my time
maybe slow it down. sounds kinda choppy. in some parts when you go all out on the piano it cracks up. id say it needs to be Eq'd a little better and it would be fantastic.
i like it
i can see where the loop can go! it would make one bad ass synth in a full trance piece. if i can suggest though, i can hear a tiny bass in the background. if thats what it is, you should make that a little louder. good work and good luck!
thanks for the feedback, ill think about making it into a real song
good work
i like the synth you put in there. the piano sequances are off the hook, but i think you could have done some what better than you did. Maybe add a wicked synth to the piano, maybe some reverb to go along with the stringy' background you have going on. Make it sound more chaotic you know? overall good work there.!
Yeah I fixed of most the errors now so it should sound alot better now, Thanks for the review ;)
i like how it is a slow beat, but i think it would have been cooler if it speeded up or had a power boost somewhere in the piece. Also, in my opinion, i think the piece would be better if the voice wasnt in there. maybe what you were trying to personify is something better than what i hear. good work, and good luck! :)
The sound
I liked the intro, nice soothing entry to what becomes kinda bad. The timing of the rock piece is off multiple times, and the hi hat seems to over power everything else. over all i like the idea of the song, but just a few fixes are needed. good work anyways :)
definately something id lay my girlfriend down to hahahah! slow beat in the beginning, then the snare and HH kick in wonderfully! great work, and im adding you to my favorites :) so keep it up buddy :)
Thanks for the fav & review!
i agree with mr. below
a very soothing sound that keeps you thinking of sad moments in your life. wonderfully performed. but i do agree with both you and mr. below, it is kinda short. if it is just for an intro that is understandable, but i would love to hear a longer version of it, to keep that sad feeling going. great work!
Thanks for the feedback!
I'm not trying to ask a personal question here, but when you listen to the music, what sort of sad memories are recalled, and in what perspective does the song place them?
I liked it, nice choice of sounds. kinda gives me a Halo kinda feeling lol. Keep up the good work.
Currently using FL9 Producer Edition XXL.
Age 35, Male
South Campus: 2004-2008
Logan, Utah USA
Joined on 8/21/07