i like the compression.
does Nexus usually come with the fl packages? cause i own XXL P.E and ive never heard of that before lol. anyways, the compression of it sounds fantastic and the saw you used is quiet nice.
i like the compression.
does Nexus usually come with the fl packages? cause i own XXL P.E and ive never heard of that before lol. anyways, the compression of it sounds fantastic and the saw you used is quiet nice.
the voice
the voice audio you put in ruins the song. and this is aside lyrics. i think what is cool about the song is the musical sequences in the background. cause when your yelling, everybody is listening to the person screamin in the microphone lol and not the music. it would have been a bad ass song but it was ruined. good luck in your future.
one of the guys singing has gonorea if that explains anything............
i like it
sounds serene, i like it ;)
it does sound like a movie, or a bad ass RPG game. i like how you have many sequences in the piece yet they fit so well together. good work ;)
Thanks! I don't know where this would fit in an RPG... maybe a treetop village or something, haha.
sounds as if
there is too much reverb. it is compressed a little too much (my opinion) if you make it louder, then it would be a kickass calming piece. nice lyrics btw ;)
is the song really that good? ^_^ lol thanks
extremely repetitive, kinda basic. i liked the fad in/out you have though. anyway, good luck
i know lol i like it.
you stated the only problem, it is loud, and gets a whee bit crackly, but good work sequencing the piece!
Screw them
Oh well to what they have to say, its like people are mainly looking at the negative side of songs. yea the distort is a little loud, but the rest of the sounds in the song, the sequences, well put together! the beat is something i could rave to and the abstract sequences in the background keeps it exciting. good work ;)
Thanks a lot ^-^ I tried hard for this one.
As far as the loudness goes...it wasn't this loud when I exported the final arrangement into an mp3.
It can be easily fixed.
And the distortion? It's meant to be hard and gritty =D
great job. some parts sound choppy though. but hey the song itself makes up for that :) good work ;)
it sounds
like it is for a rap song. besides the guitar, the beat is rappy. now if there were some Double drums and some sick cymbols in that bitch then id say its bad ass.
Currently using FL9 Producer Edition XXL.
Age 35, Male
South Campus: 2004-2008
Logan, Utah USA
Joined on 8/21/07