its alright.
the voice of that song is annoying, sorry lol. guitar sounds fine though.
its alright.
the voice of that song is annoying, sorry lol. guitar sounds fine though.
Haha, yep, pretty much describes my voice perfectly, cheers for the honesty.
As for the guitars, not really extremely good, really just cheesy blues licks and bends, nothing too complicated. I'll bet right now, there's a billion better guitarists on Newgrounds alone. I just haven't got the fingers for the fast stuff. Come to think of it, I'm not much of a fan of the fast stuff anyway. WIDDLY WIDDLY WAH and so on.
Making babies smile :P
Nice, very soothing. It something you would listen to on a beach or something. or maybe just play it when your baby is screaming and theyll start dancing around like fools :P good work. i like the piece all together so keep it up partna.
I thought of the beach too, but I don`t think that they start dancing for a crying baby. Thanx for the review
good work
ive never seen pans labrinth but by the sound of this song, it must be good. the strings that you have in the piece are utilized very well and i say you should keep it up partna. when the bass comes in, it spices the piece up a little bit more. good work over all.
Glad you liked it! Yes, its a good movie. Nice little spanish foreign film. How would I categorize this?Sort of a weird techo-classical movie score? lol idk. Thanks for the review!
Ive heard that somewhere too!
i usually play stepmania and i downloaded a step file with that same song. it was fun but i can never remember the name of it because i want to download it again lol. but yeh your not aloud to create someone else's work. good job on it thought.
Not even re-create it? Aww man...that sucks...Well, atleast you guys like it ^_^'
I liked it.
I thought it was composed really well. If i might suggest one thing though. add a little synth to the piano. If your using FL it shouldnt be a problem. Thats just my opinion though. you did a great job.!
im happy that you like it :)... and about the suggestion.... i think about it, but i like how the classic piano sounds, thats why i didnt do it with any effects :p, but thanks for the suggestions and for the review :)
kinda random. sounds like a bunch of golf balls dropping at the same time.
berate im not a pro you was rushed could do ten times better if i take my time
i like it
i can see where the loop can go! it would make one bad ass synth in a full trance piece. if i can suggest though, i can hear a tiny bass in the background. if thats what it is, you should make that a little louder. good work and good luck!
thanks for the feedback, ill think about making it into a real song
good work
i like the synth you put in there. the piano sequances are off the hook, but i think you could have done some what better than you did. Maybe add a wicked synth to the piano, maybe some reverb to go along with the stringy' background you have going on. Make it sound more chaotic you know? overall good work there.!
Yeah I fixed of most the errors now so it should sound alot better now, Thanks for the review ;)
The sound
I liked the intro, nice soothing entry to what becomes kinda bad. The timing of the rock piece is off multiple times, and the hi hat seems to over power everything else. over all i like the idea of the song, but just a few fixes are needed. good work anyways :)
Currently using FL9 Producer Edition XXL.
Age 35, Male
South Campus: 2004-2008
Logan, Utah USA
Joined on 8/21/07